Friday, June 8, 2012


Having the opportunity to have the iPads in class definitely had some benefits.  It gave us the option to use different learning tools and takes notes like Evernote.  During class we could also look up things on the Internet if we didn't understand them.  We could look up words, phrases, poems, really anything that we needed to.  That was a very beneficial part to the iPads.  It was also helpful to learn about the technology because technology is moving very fast. I never had used an iPad before but now I do. Those are helpful skills that we are going to have use in later years in life that we were able to get this year.   Limitations Some of the limitations that I faced using the iPads was only having them in class.  I would take notes in class on the iPad but it was hard to remember to email them to myself to look at them.  If we could have taken them home I wouldn't have had this problem.  It was also not convenient when we did not have the iPads and they were in a different class room.  I think that we were all used to using them everyday that when they were not there it was hard to be limited in research and note taking.  Also some of the apps were limiting because I do not have those at home.  For example, when we would use the iBooks to annotate text.  It was great to annotate the text right in the actual book on the Ipads.  However, I couldn't get that information to myself without copying it all down on paper. Getting More iPads The iPads were really helpful in class, but to be honest I think that the district should focus on spending there money in other areas.  They are very expensive and I think that there were a lot of limitations for taking notes and annotating.  If the district were to get more iPads, I would suggest that they get 1:1 environment because then students would have so much more access to there notes and annotations.  However, I think that they are only helpful in some classes.  For instance, in math it would be nearly impossible to take proper notes and I personally thought it was hard to take notes in English.  It was a hard to get used to typing on the iPads.  I also thought that it was impractical to take notes on the iPads because the only way to have them in your hand was to print them out.  This is very time consuming and taking hand written notes seem to be more beneficial.   If the district were to spend money in technology i would suggest that they get better computers in the library that are more fast pace.  

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